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COVID-19 Staff Testing

Terry Miller

Today, ISDH Will Contact Each Nursing Facility on Staff Testing For COVID-19

Last evening, the Indiana State Department of Health notified HOPE of its plan to facilitate COVID-19 testing of nursing facility staff.  Under this plan, all staff will be tested in June and there will be no charge to the facility or staff for testing.

ISDH will be reaching out today to all long-term facilities to get the answer to which testing scenario they would prefer. 

  • ISDH will deliver the test kits and PPE to the nursing facility who would use their own staff to collect and store the samples. ISDH would then pick up the samples and deliver them to our partner lab. 


  • ISDH will schedule a day and time to do onsite sample collection of your staff. This would require all staff being present during a 4-hour window to be tested.  Samples would then be delivered to our partner lab

In both of these scenarios, facilities will need to pre-register all staff using a web-based platform provided by ISDH.  Each nursing facility will be contacted by ISDH by close of business today.  If you are not contacted by ISDH today, please let me know.  or 812-470-8256 

 At this time HOPE has no concrete information about future requirements for on-going testing.

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Hoosier Owners & Providers for the Elderly

HOPE is an association representing providers of services for older adults. Our members consist of for profit and non-profit owners and providers of health care and housing services throughout Indiana. Our members include: Post Acute Care Providers, Hospital Owners, Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Assisted Living Providers and Senior Housing Apartments.


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