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April 27, 2020 - Communication Guidelines

Terry Miller

Updated: May 5, 2020

Communication Guidelines to Inform Residents and Designated Representatives of COVID-19 Cases

On April 27, 2020, the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) issued Communication Guidelines requiring providers to inform residents and designated representatives of COVID-19 cases.  The guidance exceeds the expected regulations from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This is packed with new requirements, please read it carefully.  This becomes effective May 4th.

Who Must Comply

  • Nursing Facilities

  • Residential Care Facilities

  • Assisted Living Communities

Affected entities should carefully review the guidelines and meet the requirements as soon as possible but not later than May 4th. 

  • Identify and assign a member of the staff as the contact person for residents and designated representative. 

  • Identify another representative as a backup and a secondary number for residents and their designated representatives to call in case primary contact is unavailable and/or voice mail is full OR customer service hotline available.

Total number of residents tested positive for COVID-19

  • The number of new COVID-19 cases in the last 14-days

  • Number of Residents who have died from COVID-19

  • Much more included in the Communication Guidelines please read carefully and comply with all requirements.

ISDH Advises Trade Associations of an addition to the strike team procedures

Purpose: To serve as a resource to Long Term Care (LTC) and similar congregate living facilities who have multiple positive cases and are trying to figure out how to cohort and isolate individuals within their facility.

Why did we form this team: We often get requests for more large scale testing in order to support cohorting within an identified area of a facility. These requests are often larger than is feasible for the strike teams to handle.

Rules for use: Before sending a request, please ensure that the facility has:

a. Multiple positive cases

b. Worked with LTC and/or Infection Prevention team to identify the specific area(s) of the facility that will need testing in order to appropriately cohort

c. A nurse available to perform the tests

This team is intended to be used to help facilities identify the initial +/- status of individuals who may need to be moved as a part of cohorting efforts. This team should not be used to retest individuals who have previously tested positive.

APRIL 30 – Register for ISDH COVID-19 Conference Call

ISDH Webinar For Long Term Care Facilities with Dr. Dan Rusyniak 

Join Dr. Rusyniak for this weekly webinar where he will share latest information on COVID-19 and provide important updates for long term care providers. These webinars are also a great platform for member providers to offer feedback and ask questions to the ISDH.  These webinars are complimentary and are available to all long term care providers of Indiana.

WHEN:  Thursday 4-30-2020

TIME:  12:00 – 1:00 P.M. EDT

(PLEASE try to listen via your computer speakers as phone lines maybe limited)

Or dial 888-392-4560, code 73760#

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