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Family and Social Service Administration Unexpected Announcement

Terry Miller

Updated: Feb 2, 2021

Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS)

During a December 30, 2020 meeting with Indiana LTC Associations and multiple other stakeholders, Dr. Sullivan, Secretary of FSSA, presented a PowerPoint outlining the agency’s intention to implement a capitated based Medicaid Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS). This announcement was unexpected and was inconsistent to our regular 2019 meetings on LTSS, when managed care LTSS was not the focus with this workgroup. These meetings ended abruptly in 2020 due to the COVID-19-Public Health Emergency (PHE) and resumed on December 30, 2020.

Following the meeting, the LTC trade associations sent two letters to Secretary Sullivan with copies to the Governor’s office and top leadership of the Indiana Senate and House. These letters can be found on the member’s only section of HOPE’s website.

The Governor’s State of the State address indicated his support for the implementation of a MLTSS system. During the first January FSSA follow-up meeting, we were introduced to several new staff members including their expertise. They will be involved in supporting Indiana’s MLTSS effort.

I want members to know that HOPE is concerned about the way MLTSS has been rushed out without any provider input. HOPE will remain engaged in the continuing dialogue with FSSA. We are united and working closely with IHCA and LAIN. HOPE is also regularly engaged with consumer/beneficiary advocates and is actively advocating our position before the Indiana General Assembly.

In short, we believe Indiana’s LTSS program should be reimagined and aim to utilize the best concept that both protects and frees Hoosier elders to choose and control how they receive services. In my view, MLTSS is not the only, or best, solution. Indiana shouldn’t settle for a recycled MLTSS plan from another state. Hoosier’s are innovators and should not rush to MLTSS because it is easy. Easy may well be its only reward!

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