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May 5th-14th COVID-19 Updates

Terry Miller

May 14, 2020

Dr. Dan Rusyniak/ISDH – Live COVID-19 Update and Q & A Session

Webinar link:  -  Or dial 888-392-4560, code 73760#

MAY 11, 2020

Latest version of the Hospital to Post-Acute Care Transfer COVID-19 Assessment Form

Dr. Dan Rusyniak announced ISDH is opening COVID-19 testing sites throughout the state (Optum Testing Sites)

50 testing sites are anticipated throughout the state by the end of this week.   This information was provided during Dr. Rusyniak’s call with all LTC providers May 7th.  In part, his comments on testing included:

  • Continue using ISDH Strike Teams and COVID-19 Plus Teams for initial testing and infection control assistance

  • ISDH is transitioning to Optum testing sites as the primary sites for long term care staff and once this is completed the ISDH Strike Teams are to serve as a safety net of outbreaks and can be requested at

  • LTCF are encouraged to develop relationships with labs for testing residents and staff

  • LTCF are encouraged to perform their own point of prevalence testing as outlined in the CDC Guidance for testing for COVID-19 in Nursing Homes found Here

Find locations for the ISDH/Optum Testing Sites Here LTCF with employees who need testing and cannot git it by their doctor can register for testing that the ISDH/Optum testing sites at:

Executive Order 20-26 Requires all employer to develop a plan and implement measures .. safeguards to ensure safe environment

Register for NHSN LTCF Question and Answer Session For COVID-19 Module

First submission required by May 17th.  This is where you can learn more about enrollment .   The LTCF COVID-19 Module found Here:


MAY 8, 2020

ISHD Updates to Communication Guidelines

The updated ISDH guidelines follow CMS guidance more closely.  Updated Communication Guidelines Found Here:

MAY 6, 2020

ISDH Updates COVID-19 LTCF Infection Control Guidance

MAY 5, 2020

ISDH Updates LTCF Toolkit

Includes guidance previously distributed and added the communication, memory care and hospital discharge guidance.

CDC Guidance on Return to Work Criteria

ISHD Newsletters and More

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the ISDH Division of Long Term Care (LTC) has developed many LTC Newsletters.  These newsletters contain important information and updates from ISDH, Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC).  The entire list of  LTC Newsletters are available at the following websites:

To subscribe to the LTC Newsletter, please email and include the email address(es) you wish to receive the newsletters.

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