HOPE represents providers of services for older adults. Our members consist of for profit and non-profit owners and providers of health care and housing services throughout Indiana. Our members include: Post Acute Care Providers, Hospital Owners, Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Assisted Living Providers and Senior Housing Apartments. We work together with members to navigate the future of senior care.

News & Resources
Members receive ongoing news briefs. You can also check our website for industry resource links and Covid news for providers.

Lacy Beyl & Company, Inc is a healthcare consulting company focused in the areas of nursing, social services, activities, behavior management, interim staffing and QIDP services.
Founded in 1994, the organization represents multiple nursing home and healthcare clients in multiple states throughout the Midwest. Focusing on quality of care and the quality of life for facility residents, Lacy Beyl & Company, Inc. provides a variety of consultation services.