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April 14, 2020 – Nursing Home Transfers

Terry Miller

Updated: May 5, 2020

PROVIDERS must be monitoring this ISDH website, and not just newsletters, nor rely on the long term care newsletter to alert them of updated documents being posted.  Just yesterday (4/13), various forms from Probari were posted and considered best practices.

The NH Assessment form has symptoms in RED (below) and states "Use Transmission Based Precautions if ANY possible symptoms of COVID-19 are present."   HOPE wants you to be aware there are many possible symptoms in addition to increased temperature, shortness of breath, and cough (as there are many more listed).

Long-term Care Facilities

Tips for transferring to the hospital (updated 4/13/20): Step by step approach to the LTCF to hospital transfer for nursing home administrators/staff. Hospital transfer coversheet final (updated 4/13/20): For nursing home administrators/staff to send with a resident who is being transferred to the emergency department/hospital. Hospital hand off to nursing home (updated 4/13/20): For hospital administrators/staff to send with a patient who is being transferred to a long-term care facility after a hospitalization.

NH assessment form COVID (updated 4/13/20):

For long-term care nurses to use when assessing a change in status of a resident at a facility to help guide COVID-related assessments and discussions with the resident’s physician or advanced provider.

Nursing home accepting transfer from hospital (updated 4/13/20): For nursing home administrators/staff to use to help prepare for a resident who is being considered for admission (or readmission) from the hospital.

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